Third Grade » Welcome to Third Grade!

Welcome to Third Grade!

Third Grade marks a significant stage in a student's educational journey, building on the foundation of independent reading and introducing more advanced mathematical concepts that are the basis for pre-Algebra skills. At this level, students are encouraged to become fluent and confident independent readers while delving into more complex mathematical topics.

In Third Grade, the focus on literacy remains paramount, with students continuing to develop their skills as confident readers. The curriculum relies on literacy resources that are meticulously aligned with the Science of Reading, ensuring that students receive instruction grounded in research-based methods that support their reading fluency and comprehension.

Mathematics education takes a more advanced turn, as students begin touching upon the foundational skills necessary for pre-Algebra. Everyday Math, a comprehensive math program, is employed to teach these advanced mathematical concepts. The math program is further complemented with SpringMath, a program designed to sharpen math skills. Just as in previous years, the math curriculum maintains alignment with the Science of Math to provide students with a strong mathematical foundation.

In Third Grade, students continue with LinkIt! benchmark testing, which serves the dual purpose of monitoring academic progress and providing valuable data for teachers to tailor instructional strategies to meet individual student needs. This data-driven approach ensures that all learners are supported effectively.

An interesting change in the Third Grade experience is the introduction of two teachers. Students have one teacher for English Language Arts (ELA) and another for math, science, and social studies. This division of subjects allows for greater specialization and expertise in these core areas, ensuring students receive a high-quality education in each discipline.

In addition to the core subjects, Third Grade students continue to explore the worlds of Science and Social Studies, broadening their horizons and deepening their understanding of the world.

As in previous years, students also enjoy special classes in library, art, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics), music, and physical education. These classes provide a holistic educational experience, fostering creativity, physical fitness, and a love for learning beyond the core subjects.

Third Grade is a crucial stage in a student's development, setting the stage for more advanced learning in the years to come. The curriculum's alignment with the Science of Reading and the Science of Math ensures that students receive a research-based and effective education. This grade encourages students to become not only proficient readers but also confident problem solvers and critical thinkers, preparing them for future academic success and personal growth.