First Grade » Welcome to First Grade!

Welcome to First Grade!

First Grade marks an exciting and pivotal stage in a child's educational journey, building upon the foundational skills developed in Kindergarten and setting the stage for more advanced learning. It's a year of growth, exploration, and expanding horizons, with a strong focus on phonemic awareness, mathematics, and a well-rounded curriculum.

In First Grade, a primary emphasis is placed on further developing phonemic awareness, which is essential for becoming proficient readers and writers. Teachers continue to employ evidence-based methods such as ECRI (Enhanced Core Reading Instruction) and Heggerty phonics and phonological awareness resources, all thoughtfully aligned with the Science of Reading. Through these programs, students continue to enhance their understanding of the sounds that make up words and their ability to decode and encode words, building strong reading and writing skills.

Mathematics continues to be a central component of the curriculum in First Grade. Everyday Math, a comprehensive math program, is employed to teach students more advanced mathematical concepts and problem-solving skills. This curriculum is further enriched with SpringMath, a program designed to help students sharpen their math skills. Just like in Kindergarten, the math program is closely aligned with the Science of Math, ensuring a strong and evidence-based foundation in mathematics.

First Grade students also delve into the realms of Science and Social Studies, expanding their knowledge of the world around them. These subjects encourage curiosity, critical thinking, and a deeper understanding of various concepts and cultures.

In addition to core academic subjects, First Grade students continue to enjoy special classes in library, art, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics), music, and physical education. These classes offer a well-rounded educational experience, nurturing creativity, physical fitness, and a love for learning beyond the traditional classroom.

First Grade is a year of significant development, where students not only deepen their literacy and math skills but also begin to explore the broader world of knowledge. It's a time when young learners are encouraged to question, investigate, and discover, fostering a lifelong love of learning. The curriculum's alignment with the Science of Reading and the Science of Math ensures that students receive a research-based and effective education, setting them on a path to academic success and personal growth.

First Grade Teachers:
Kristin Bahorik, Jennifer Miller, Lauren Yakicic, Julia Kehn, Kelly Myers, Kayla Krise, Kelsey Colosimo