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Free eBooks

Amazon's Free eBooks for Kids

Amazon’s Top 100 Free Children’s eBooks are frequently updated with new titles. From young children to teens, there’s something for every young reader. Of course, you’ll need a Kindle to download and read these titles.

 Centsless Books

Centstless Books provides links to the latest free Kindle deals for children’s ebooks on Amazon. (Again, be sure to check that the books are still free when you go to download them.)

Titles are available for very young readers, as well as middle grade and teen readers.

ManyBooks offers a wide range of free eBooks for kids, ranging from classics like Pinocchio and Peter Pan, to new releases like Lucky’s Will.

Most titles can be downloaded for free in a number of formats, including EPUB, PDF, AZW, MOBI, and more.

 International Children’s Digital Library

ICDL is an international non-profit that boasts over 4,000 titles in 59 languages. Users can browse books by country of origin or use advanced search features to find the title that’s right for them. The complete collection is also available via their free iPad app.